Friday, July 02, 2010

June 2010

Can I be honest? I have no memory of this past month.
Well, not entirely true... but it has certainly been a whirlwind.  As I look at my pictures from this month trying to kindle a spark of memory I am surprised at where I started this month and where I am now.  Whew! I feel like Dorothy!
And while I'm at my true confessions I'll be honest.  I cannot remember if I've read a book or even finished one this month. Sheesh!

I started this month at my parents home.  Mikey and I were joined by my brother Jonah in relaxing and enjoying the time at home.  I am always refreshed and refilled when I go home.  It's my happy place!  We enjoyed bike riding, sewing, reading (what, though I can't recall!), playing games and hanging out.  It was a great way to start June because after that just got crazy!

Crazy awesome!  There is nothing more honoring, I think, then getting to stand by one of your closest friends as she vows to honor and love the man of her dreams.  Joni's wedding was everything and more of what a celebration should be.  Good food, plenty of people, beautiful weather and beautiful guests of honor.  The bride was the most beautiful I have ever seen and I am so blessed to know and call both Mike and Joni friends.  Love love love this couple!

In the blink of an eye though, Mikey and I were off on our own adventure.
Before I had time to even think or practically pack, we were off to Japan to join some Sunland Region students in Tokyo.  To be honest, I was feeling kind of skeptical of what returning to Japan would be like.  I wondered if it would be emotional for me to return to the place where I struggled and rejoiced so many times.  I wondered if it would feel different or similar to what my memories reminded me of.  You know when you dream of something for so long.... or wait for something so long, like a certain type of ice cream and you think about it and think about it and think about it but when you finally get it, it's not as good as you remember?
Well, that's how I felt going into Japan? I was nervous that it had become some sort of elated paradise in my mind but in reality it would be a disappointment.
*side note* doesn't this look like a fake picture? I really think it looks like we pasted our heads in this picture!

 But it hasn't! Praise God! It's been such a huge encouragement!  It's also been fun to see Mikey respond to different things in Japan.  He says things like, "I have visions of what life could be like for us..." and all I can think of is, "wow, my husbands dreaming!!"
This is huge for us because usually I'm the dreamer and he's the one with his feet on the ground!! But since being in Japan, Mikey has been soaring on cloud nine with possibilities for us and our future.  It's such an encouragement to me and so exciting to talk about Japan with my husband.
*pictured here with our (Lord willing) language teacher Natsukosan!

 Life in Japan continues and who knows what July may hold but I do know that God is causing all things to come together for His glory.  I am grateful for His hand on our lives.

And that reminds me to hope.


Jer said...

that's a really good picture of you and mikey (airplane pic)

Christy Randl said...

Yay! I'm encouraged by your encouragement! I'm praying for all of you in Japan cho mach!

Joanna Kay said...

Thanks Jeremiah and Christy! We are so thankful for our friendship with you both!!

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

Oh, whirlwind months. :) I'm so excited to hear more about Japan, and will be praying for you both!

Keith said...

Natsuko-san!!! I miss her so much. BEST Japanese teacher ever!!! Glad to hear Japan is coming alive in both of your hearts as you return. Praying indeed that Mikey feels 100% better tomorrow. Sayonara sore throat!!!

Kelli B said...

My thoughts:

*That photo DOES look fake! I sat and looked at it for a long time before I finally read your caption and realized ok, yes it IS real :)

*You look super skinny/hot in that purple shirt! Lookin' good Jo mama :)

*I LOVE that Mikey has been dreaming/envisioning what life could be like for you guys. That makes me feel extra confident in his leadership and his listening to the LORD over your marriage.

*It made me SUPER happy to think of how different this return to Japan was. It used to be just you, returning to Tokyo, uncertain of the future. Now it's you and Mikey TOGETHER - certain of what God is doing with your life, at least in the coming months. I feel happy and full of joy for you friend :)