Monday, September 26, 2011

the. list.

About a year ago, I dreamed up and asked close friends for ideas to formalize a list.
the. list. thee list.
The list was to challenge me out of my comfort zone and into trying new things.  I enjoyed tackling many things on my list and didn't even get close to others.  It was a good year and I am so thankful I tried some new things.  I tried a new cookbook and realized though new recipes are good, sometimes the goldie oldies are better.  There's a reason why they are your favorites... so here are my excuses... i mean, my thoughts on the list and look out for tomorrow... a new list of sorts will be appearing (if I have time and if not tomorrow, soon!).

  • 1. Write more letters and less emails
I think I did this. I definitely wrote a ton of letters. Not sure if they outnumbered my emails but I tried to send handwritten letters to people more often.
  • 2. Take a floral arrangement class
  • 3. Take a writing class
Instead of these two classes, Hubs surprised me with the gift of a sewing class. LOVED IT and look forward to taking another one soon.
  • 4. Surf more frequently
Yeah, didn't even get close to this one. I don't think I even surfed once after setting this as a goal.  Cest le vie!
  • *5. Buy a drink/groceries for person behind you in line
This is one I want to do more and make it a habit of sorts.  I love doing this. 
  • 6. Deep sea fish
Nope. I got close to completing this one but was advised not to try it while pregnant.  If I got seasick, there was nowhere to go and no way to avoid it for the eight hours on the boat.  Boo.  Still a lifelong goal of mine.
  • 7. Write a children's book
Still a goal.  Hoping to do this someday.  I daydream about my future book, what the story will be, what will happen....
  • 8. Go sailing
Nope, another lifelong goal. Someday.
  • 9. Go to another new country
  • 10. Visit a Redwood forest
Nope. Maybe this year?
  • 11. Try a new recipe each week
I got really close.  I love trying new recipes.  Once a week is a bit ambitious for me but it's fun to keep things fresh in the kitchen.
  • **12. Work through a cookbook**
Yup, tried this one and was disappointed with my cookbook choice.  If I try this one again I'll research my cookbook choice more thoroughly.
  • *13. Small gift for a neighbor
Love Roger and Alicia our neighbors.  Hope to continue getting to know them and gifting them with little goodies from our kitchen.
  • 14. Go on more nature walks
I went on more walks.... in the naturous neighborhood behind ours in LB. Does that count?
  • 15. Get all dressed up and eat at a fancy restaurant
Shame on Hubs and I for not doing this.
  • *16. Write an article for a magazine
Submitted an article/story to a magazine... did not get published.  I'm considering this completed.
  • *17. Read "My Life in France"
Fabulous book
  • 18. take a cross country road trip
With gas prices as high as they are, I could not convince Hubs to even seriously consider this.  Though we always play with the idea and hopefully can accomplish this someday.  I think it would be extraordinary.  It might have to wait till the kiddos are older now.  I can't imagine pulling over every 3 hours to feed.
  • 19. climb a 14-er w/ family
Always, ALWAYS a goal of mine.
  • 20. fun exercise every day
Spinning, pilates, yoga, walking and now pushing a stroller... I'd say I had a lot of fun working out this year.
  • 21. finish Malcolm
Poor "Letters to Malcolm"... you continue to sit by my bedside.
  • *22. Go kayaking
Completed with Hubs for our two year anniversary. Woo hoo!!
  • *23. Host more dinner parties
Had some fun people over for dinner parties. Completed.
  • 24. Get a tattoo
Za nen or in english, too bad.  I'd still like to get a tattoo but we'll have to wait and see.
  • *25. Develop my sewing/crocheting more
Took the sewing class and worked on a couple crocheting projects.  Was it this year I tackled mittens? I can't remember. But I sure do love to crochet.
  • 26. Write and memorize 28 verses
Another lifelong goal.
  • 27. Jordan's suggestion
This suggestion was "Send flowers to Mom more often" and I had a lot of fun sending flowers to my mom sporadically throughout the year.  For no reason but just to say "I love you"... another lifelong goal I want to accomplish and keep up with. Hmmm I should go get flowers...
  • *28. Becca's suggestion
This was "get pregnant" and I think I did this one with gusto.  Twins!?!  I'm giving this one a double completed!!

It was fun to have the list but I'm also glad to be done.  We'll see how ambitious I am with this next year.  I might make my next list more along the lines of "shower", "clip your fingernails" "change diapers" "take a nap" etc.  Ha ha!! How life has changed so much more for the better but change nonetheless.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have babies that need to be fed and loved on.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Um...lets remember you had Amazing Beautiful Children (yes plural!) this year. I think its ok to bump some of your list for later. ;) Happy Birthday Friend! Beat your body and make it your slave.