Monday, February 05, 2007

My Rockin` Roommate


Anonymous said...

jeez...That's a Sergei Rachmaninov piece, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Also...I'll assume you mean "My Rockin' HOUSEmate", not "ROOMmate". Otherwise, I'm on the first plane to Japan.

Joanna Kay said...

Ahh.. you`re right! HOUSEmate... not roommate. Although I hesitate to correct that because if you bought a ticket over here I would be the happiest person here. But alas, I wanted to correct the mistake... wish you`d still come. Understand why you can`t... still wishin`

Anonymous said...

This friend is awesome, but alas, my favorite part is your giggle at the end... I love you! XOXOXO

Ed said...

WOW! Mary - I never knew she could play the piano like THAT!!

Woah, Nelly!

And, you can tell how much she has gotten into the Japanese culture!

Not only has she learned the language, but her voice is a little deeper and she acutally LOOKS JAPANESE!!!

Ed said...

That's 'actually', not 'acutally' (as in "acutely")

Meghan said...

That is incredible!!

Anonymous said...

wow. you do have an awesome HOUSEMATE =) thats awesome