Actually, I was just listening to a message given by Carolyn Mahaney from this website. Click here.
I found a talk called, "A Womans Beauty Regimen" referring to 1 Peter 3:3-4 *Do not let your adorning be external-- the braiding of hair, the wearing of gold, or the putting on of clothing-- but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.*
Ever since I became a Christian and ever since hearing those word, "gentle and quiet" I've been intriqued by these verses. How can I have a quiet and gentle spirit when I not only laugh loud but I love laughing loud? I've always wanted to learn more about this quiet heart, this gentle spirit. Jamie nailed it on the head when she told me in college that the gentle and quiet heart has nothing to do with your personality.
In the message I listened to tonight Mahaney gave two definitions to this term, "An inner disposition of humble contentment and quiet tranquility rooted in an unwavering trust in God and His purpose." and "Steadfast peace because of a steadfast trust in God."
We are able to cultivate this gentle and quiet heart because of what 1 Peter 2:21-24 teaches us, specifically verse 23 says, "he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly." So we are entrust our lives, our hearts, our unknown futures to God because he judges justly.
Everything that happens, everything happens with God's sovereign hand upon us.
Believing that, frees me up to have a peace that is steadfast... and that peace, that trust enables me to have a gentle spirit
...even while laughing loudly.
amen girlfriend
i'm pretty sure Jesus would cry for you if you ever stopped laughing the way you did. i know i would
he loved kids when others overlooked their significance. i'm sure he loves your laughter too. =) cool thoughts about gentleness not being about personality. joanna, i love you. =)
Laugh out loud and laugh loud sister!!! I'm right there with ya!!! Love you!!
Amen Amen! Three cheers from a fellow loud laugher.
Love you Jo.
the world needs your laugh, jo. without it, it will cry. could you live with knowing you made the world cry?
i don't think so.
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