Friday, January 04, 2008

people like me will appreciate

It's that time of year, when people like me, who wish we were more structured, get out our to-do list and.... add to it.

It's Resolution Making Time.

Fortunately, before I came before God with my list of things I want... I went online and caught a couple articles on resolution making. The following articles are from five godly women who I have never met but have impacted my life. Their insights are super powerful and helpful in making resoultions that will last. If you are like me and get overly-excited about this time of year ("I wanna memorize fourteen verses a day." "I wanna get up at six a.m. and run every day." "I wanna go to Starbucks once a month.") then I think you will appreciate this godly advice. Click on the below links.

Keeping Right Resolutions
Keeping One Resolution
Help Keeping Resolutions

I especially appreciated the advice in the article, "Keeping One Resolution". Carolyn Mahaney writes, "Let's choose that single area where we most desire to grow in godliness." I think this is the best advice for me because I get too excited and make about five goals only to become discouraged when I fail at achieving any and all of them.

I took some time to journal today about my goals, my motives, and what scripture has to say about them. I was also challenged by my friend Curt's blog, he said this, "also i want to work out more. but i am going to try no to promise to do that, let your yes be yes and your no be no. so i am just going to do it."

That really challenged me. (You can check Curt out on my link to the right "He gave my fish a face")

So here I am, wanting to make resolutions and become "new and improved" but wanting more so to honor and glorify God with what I say and what I commit to. Sooo... I will officially be choosing ONE area in which I need to grow, although I feel like I have hundreds. :D

Philippians 1:6 *And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you made my day by your comment. i'm committing to blogging more......because I LOVE reading about your life and what's going on.

i miss you.