There are so many pictures and so much I could tell you about this trip... but I had to be "choosy" this time around with my pictures. I also have a whole two weeks to "recoop" so I'll be sure to post some of our crazy pictures... we sure have a lot of them.
In case you can't tell... this says, BEST with out bodies.
This was an amazing trip. I seriously had a blast and just had God speak so much into my life... but I'll try to keep this simple... this is our group with Dr. Ribbe who spoke on the creation of the universe. We visited Virginia Tech and had so much fun at Mark's alma mater.
Our students got to visit with old friend, Jason (and his wife Rachael). We also got to fly in a small plane over Smith Mountain Lake.
One of my personal highlights was getting to hear my father talk about World Religions, which is a class he teaches in college. He has learned so much and I feel like I too have learned to really appreciate his wisdom and teaching instead of being the punk I usually am. It was great to hear his perspective on life, religion, and sharing your heart with people... I was proud to say this was my Pops talking.
that's my cutey parents, Eddie Joe and Leslie
we got to visit Thomas Jefferson's house... here are the girls on the trip...
i begged my father to bring his guitar (which he gave to me as a gift, rock on rockstar!!) because I love to hear him play.
it rained a lot in VA so we had to change some of our plans. One of the greatest things we did was rollerskating. Boy, talk about some old school memories of "moonlight" skating with junior high friends... Gehrman, it made me miss you!
Here Mary and I are practicing our flexibilty potential for the limbo... needless to say we were no match for the 2nd graders we were up against.
Mark was incredibly impressive on the rink... don't know whether to be worried about him or impressed... ha ha! He and Jin moonlight skated to some cheesy 80s music. It was great.
Horseback riding was a ton of fun... here's Mamoru
and Fuyu...
how cute is this picture of Jin? She's cho cute! Horseback riding was fun because it wasn't your typical trail ride but we got to run our horses which was fun.
Saying "goodbye" to my folks after their week in VA. Tomo gave them some Japanese gifts. It was awesome to see my family (Jer in DC) and to connect with them. It was also amazing, such a God thing, to have them witness my heart for my friends and for them to gain a love for Japan and the people who are in my life.
Baseball in Baltimore... one of my highlights (i know i keep saying that) was being on the East Coast... it was fun to shop and see the sights of Baltimore... I felt like it was all very romanticized in my mind... especially when we went to Little Italy in Baltimore. I just have never experienced anything like that so it was fun to be surrounded with little tiny cultures tucked away in America. Even Southern Virginia culture... um, yeah! ha ha!!
Okay, so I may have shot Mark twice in the chest with a paintball gun... the story is that we were playing with the gun and a target and then Mark challenged me to hit him as a moving target cause he didn't think I could... needless to say, i could. HA HA!! He's okay, so whew! But I'm sure I'll never live that one down... shooting my NAV leader doesn't really fall under gentle submission? Well, I always knew I danced to my different drum beat of "ladylike" (p.s. shooting guns was sooo much fun, ha ha!!)