I've been thinking a lot lately about hopes and dreams... I have hopes. I have dreams. Sometimes I say them out loud... I say, "I dream of one day being able to climb
all the 14-ers in Colorado!" or I say, "I hope to make an impact for God's kingdom till the day I die." And while those are good dreams and hopes those are not my deepest heart's hopes and dreams.
My college pastor, once spoke on a passage from 2 Kings 4 (beginning verse 8). It is the story of the Shunnamite woman who takes in Elisha and gives him a room in her home whenever he passes through town. Elisha is touched by this kind act and asks the woman, "You have gone to all this trouble for us. What can be done for you?" And the woman replies that she is fine with a home among her own people.
This sounds decent except the woman has a secret wish, she has a deep desire to have a child of her own. So why doesn't she say this? She's obviously spent time with Elisha and knew he was able to do so much through the Lord... and if someone asked you, "Anything you desire, anything I can do for you, what do you dream for?" Would you say, "Oh, I'm fine like this!" Except this woman's reply runs so closely to my own. There are deep dreams and wishes I pray for and think of often. But it is hard for me to say them out loud...
However, the servant replies for her, "She has no son, and her husband is old." So Elisha calls forth the woman and says, "About this time next year, you will hold a son in your arms." YIPEE!! ...yet, not her reaction. The Shunnamite's reaction is almost horror... "No, my lord. Don't mislead your servant, O man of God." I imagine her thinking two things. First, "Who told?" and second, "Don't hope for it!"
Yet, if she were like me, even deeper her heart would be thinking, "Oh, yes please!" I don't know if this is how it is with men... but I know for myself, as a woman, I like to think I am "keeping secrets". I like to keep my deepest desires and hopes to myself. For in MY mind I think, "If I don't wish for them or say them out loud... I can't be disappointed."
Yet, God has already given me these desires and has already seen them. It is no surprise to Him. So do I cling to these or do I open my heart of hearts to Him who created me so that I can truly be known. There is risk in letting out your hopes and dreams... the story of the Shunnamite doesn't end with her having a son. Her son grows and when he is a boy, he dies. The woman comes to Elisha and asks, "Didn't I tell you not to stir up my hope?" But Elisha is able to perform a miracle and restore her son. A moment to decide, do I love the Lord or do I love His gifts?
For me, my hopes and desires are just the toppings on a sundae (bare with me). My salvation and where God has led me (to Japan for Him? Whoa!) are already more than I deserve. I desire Him most of all. But those other things, that whisper to me, those are still there. I must decide. Am I going to ask for such things and hope and dream of something big like "a son" or will I just settle for the scraps of life, which are "safer"? It is true that asking for something your heart totally longs for puts you in a position where you allow God to give you what is best. If you say it out loud and don't necessarily receive it, will you be disappointed or will you confidently see that the Lord is all that can ever satisfy us?!
I want to be bold in my prayers. I want all of God and I want God to have all of me. If I say my dreams out loud... if I bare my soul before the Lord (who already knows it) I want to know that He alone fills me and satisfies my heart.
Wow, just some thoughts for today as I dream and pray for my life... and for the people here.