Now that you are all laughlng at me lower case L's... let's get on w/ the show. :) ha ha!
The clty l live ln. Crazy! lf you've ever been to Clear Lake/Reeve (blink and you'll miss it) you can lmagine the crazy fun l've had living here. (the other day: Mary and l made the traln by runnlng to lt and as we snuck through the closlng doors we high-fived cause we are startlng to feel a little more confident making our way through the world's 2nd largest clty.)
The two guys on our Arlzona team; Mike and Ryan. l can't help but crack up every tlme l see thls picture. No, they are not brothers....
Our team in downtown Shlnjuku.... Jo, Christy, Mike, Ryan, and Mark. The team from CA is joining us June 20th. Woo! Woo!
Convinced we are twlns, Megu and l pose for a picture. Oh, wait l mean we naturally took thls plcture. Ha Ha!
Hey, ln other news.... looks like l may be drlvlng for sure. One of our guys is going to be gone over our Kyoto trlp and we need another drlver.... "um, yes please!" Let you know when tralnlng beglns for that... hee hee hee! Oh, yeah and l'll be sure to take plctures!
you will totally have to let me swap stories with the AZ team when they get back!
Okay, so the picture with Megumi is SO PRECIOUS JOanna. Seriously. Love it to death.
Also, when in Kyoto, if you have ANY extra time, please stop by the Westin Miako Hotel. It's a really fancy, famous hotel in old roomate Nagisa Nakajima works there. See if she's working, tell her how you know me, and give her a HUGE HUG!!!
Oh, to go to Kyoto...oh to see you! :)
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